How to Keep your Home Clean

If you’re someone who struggles to keep up with keeping your home clean, maybe you just need a new approach. Try some light cleaning techniques. By doing frequent light cleaning, you can better manage the things that need to be done around the house, without much effort at all.
Getting Your Kids To Help With Chores
Getting your small children to help with chores isn’t always the easiest task. Sometimes they want to help, sometimes want to help make a mess as you go. Making it fun for them can make it easier and more manageable for everyone involved. As your Austin cleaning company, a lot of our clients ask us […]
How to Freshen Up Your New Home Before Moving In | Cleaning Company Austin, TX | It’s Cleaning Time
How to Freshen Up Your New Home Before Moving In Thanks to our friends at Bellhops for writing this post! The process of moving into a new home is one that requires extensive thought and planning. Your first priority should always be to make sure it is clean and hygienic before unpacking anything. […]
Get Your Home Ready for Holiday Guests | Austin Home Cleaning
The holiday season is a favorite time of year for many ATX homeowners, especially because we often make a point to see family and friends whom we haven’t seen in a long time. But when you’ve got a busy schedule of decorating, wrapping, cooking, and special holiday activities, it can be even harder than usual […]
We Bet You Forget to Clean These Important Areas of Your Kitchen | Austin Maid Service
There are so many areas and items in an average Austin clean home that need to be cleaned that it’s really easy to forget some of the most important ones. We tend to forget about both things that are out of sight and things that we see so often, they don’t really even register in […]
Clean the Inside of Your Car | ATX Clean Homes
Austin house cleaning is our passion at It’s Cleaning Time! If you think about it, your car is really an extension of your home. As a follow-up to our recent article about cleaning the outside of your car, check out these great suggestions for cleaning the inside of your car, to keep your vehicle tidy […]
Stain Removal Guide: Coffee, Tea, and Fruit Punch | Austin Home Cleaning
There are many substances out there in the world that we love to consume, use, or be around, but when they come in contact with clothes, furniture, or carpet, they can create nasty and difficult stains that need to be treated as soon as possible if they have any hope of being removed. Here’s a […]
Clean Up Your Blinds and Window Shades | Austin Home Cleaning
It’s beautiful outside, so let the sun shine in! Austin homeowners are eager and excited for this beautiful season, so make sure the blinds and window shades in your home are looking tip-top to accessorize that wonderful sunlight. There are many different kinds of blinds and shades out there, so read on to find […]
Help Your Kids Get in the Habit of Cleaning Up | Austin House Cleaning
Obviously, kids don’t need to learn how to make messes – they’re naturally great at it, usually right from birth! They do, however, have to be taught how to clean up after themselves, and why it’s important. Whether you’ve got a very young child who’s finally able to help with household chores or you’re frustrated […]