Quick Tidy-Up Tips For Your Bathroom

No matter if you have company staying with you, roommates, children, or just want to make sure you keep it tidy for yourself, keeping your bathroom clean is important. Almost every guest you have is going to see it. Keeping up on it takes ten minutes or less and can save you from sweating next […]

Five Alternatives to Chemical Cleaning

Five Alternatives to Chemical Cleaning As a green cleaning company in Austin, Texas, we’re all about living a more natural, chemical-free lifestyle. If you are trying to eliminate the amount of chemicals you use to clean your home – we can help!   Going green when it comes to cleaning is a great idea, especially […]

Seven Uses for Vinegar for a Greener, Cleaner Home

  It is widely known that vinegar is a super cleaner (and if you don’t use it to clean your home – you sure will after this)! It can also be used for other things around the home, as well as be used as a hair and skin treatment. How many things can you actually […]

Cleaning Tips For The Holidays!

With holidays creeping in on us, you may be starting to panic about getting your home “guest ready.” And with that holiday to-do list seeming to grow everyday, finding the time to clean can almost seem impossible. Don’t fret! It’s really not as hard as you think to make sure everything is in tip top […]

Carpet Cleaning – The EcoFriendly Way

Have you been spending hundreds of dollars on expensive commercial brand carpet cleaners? Well did you know that some of your favorite brands contain ingredients such as  perchloroethylene? This is a popular chemical used in dry cleaning, which is known to cause nausea, dizziness and fatigue If you’re looking for a way to get a better clean, and doing […]

Green Cleaning & Your FurFriends

Having pets in your home can sometimes get a little crazy. From new puppies, to your oldest and dearest fur-friends, accidents can be had and messes can be made. Just having pets in your home can cause a collection of hair and a buildup of dander. When you’re living with furbabies, it’s a must to keep […]

Olive Oil – Not Just For Cooking!

Nowadays there are so many cleaning products, with far too many chemicals. By using eco-friendly cleaning products, it is safer and healthier- for your home and your family. This week we talk about something you can probably find right in your kitchen! Olive oil! That’s right… it isn’t just for cooking anymore! And your favorite housekeeping Austin, Texas cleaning company will […]

BAKING SODA: It’s Not Just For Baking Anymore!

Baking soda (AKA sodium bicarbonate), like lemon, is another one of nature’s wonder cleaners! At It’s Cleaning Time, your favorite Austin, Texas housekeeping company, we strive to be as eco-friendly as possible! And we love to share green cleaning tips for your home, using items that are probably in your pantry or cabinet! You can use […]

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