If you follow these tips, your weekly house cleaning task will also become easy.

  1. Using floor mats

Train your family not to wear shoes in the home and place floor mat at every exterior door.

  1. Emptying the dishwasher

Empty your dishwasher while the coffee brews because it takes only about 5 minutes to complete.

  1. Cleaning after meal

After each meal, load your dishwasher with dirty dishes and wipe down your countertops.

  1. Wiping sinks and faucets

Use a homemade wipe to clean, disinfect and shine your sinks and faucets before you leave for work.

  1. Cleaning the counter tops

Give a quick glance and put away any clutter before sleeping from your kitchen or bathroom.

  1. Sweeping kitchen nightly

Use a multi-surface sweeper to pick up scraps and pet hair so your kitchen looks always ready.

  1. Loading laundry every day

Load your laundry daily so you don’t need to spend your weekend doing laundry.

  1. Making your bed

Use duvet with a removable cover so you can launder each week easily.

  1. Recycling junk paper

Keep papers away from piling up by dealing with the mail and run junk mail through the shredder.

  1. Nitpick your carpet.

If you don’t have time to vacuum daily, then make a habit of picking up small messes from your floor.

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