How to Freshen Up Your New Home Before Moving In

Thanks to our friends at Bellhops for writing this post!



The process of moving into a new home is one that requires extensive thought and planning. Your first priority should always be to make sure it is clean and hygienic before unpacking anything.


Putting in the hard work upfront, and making sure your new home is spotless will allow you to kick back and relax after the move is complete, meaning you can enjoy a well deserved rest when the last box is finally unpacked.

1.     Start with the Sinks and Toilets

Anything found in the bathroom and kitchen should be near the top of your to do list. To be absolutely sure you are being as hygienic as possible, before unpacking things like plates and toilet roll you should ensure the relevant areas are spotless. Austin cleaning company It’s Cleaning Time are well known for using environmentally friendly cleaning products and it is highly recommended that you follow this practice as well.


One area that is often missed are hard to reach areas and corners were mold, dust and mildew can accumulate so be sure to keep an eye out for these.

2.     Don’t Forget the Walls

Unless you have been lucky enough to move into a home where the walls have been painted very recently, chances are they will be in need of a freshen up. Particularly in homes with children, walls can be badly covered in smudges and hand prints and it is very important to wash these properly prior to applying any paint.

3.     Mop the Floors Thoroughly

When moving into a new property with carpets it would be wise to consider hiring a professional cleaner who offer steam cleaning services. By doing so, you ensure they are completely free of germs before relaxing on them.


Hardwood and laminate flooring however are much easier to clean yourself. Be sure to give them a proper sweep before hand to remove any dust and debris which may be lying around. Once this is done give them a thorough mop and clean with the relevant products to ensure they a germ free and sparkling.

4.     Get Those Windows Open!

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to overload your new home with air fresheners and scented products to give it that “new home” smell. The best thing you can do is to open the windows for long periods of time when you just move in, this will give your home a fresh and natural smell. If insects are a concern then you can keep blinds or curtains shut to prevent any unwanted visitors getting into the house.


Sound like a lot of work? That’s because it is, but luckily It’s Cleaning Time can take care of all of it for you, so instead of stressing out and working hard to clean your house after your move (as if moving isn’t stressful enough already!) call It’s Cleaning Time for a quote.