Where Does Dust Come From?

Trying to eliminate dust from your home can feel like a never-ending battle. You just dusted your end tables and picture frames last week, and here they are, all dusty again! How does this happen? Where does dust come from? Can it cause health problems? And how can it be eliminated? Your professional house cleaning company in Austin Texas, is here to help!
Dust comes from a variety of sources, which can be classified as indoor or outdoor and as organic or inorganic. Indoor dust comes from sources inside your home, including bedding, carpets, furniture, and other fibrous items in your home that slowly, almost imperceptibly, break down over time as they are used; humans and pets also create dust as they shed hair, fur, and miniscule flakes of skin. Outdoor dust is either tracked into your home or blown in through open doors or windows and includes dirt, pollen, grass, and matter from outdoor animals. Organic dust comes from living sources, either animals or plants, and inorganic dust comes from non-living sources.
The presence of dust can cause health problems, which affect people differently based on age, pre-existing health conditions, and other factors. Dust gets trapped in our homes due to insulation and well-sealed windows, it settles and collects on carpet, furniture, bedding, appliances, knick-knacks, books, and pretty much everything else, and it can be circulated by heating and air conditioning systems, movement through the living space, and breathing. The presence of dust can irritate eyes and respiratory systems, which can cause serious problems for people with asthma, COPD, contact lenses, or other health issues. Dust can even contain stubborn, nasty chemicals; recent floor dust samples taken by American scientists have been found to contain DDT, a pesticide that was banned in the U.S. decades ago. And excessive amounts of dust can attract dust mites and cockroaches, which can both cause additional health problems.
How much dust accumulates in your home is affected by a number of factors, including how many people and animals live with you, how many fibrous items are inside your home, and what the outdoor conditions near your home are like. The only way to completely eliminate dust is to keep cleaning, ideally by vacuuming it up with a canister vacuum such as the Tri-Star system used by It’s Cleaning Time professionals.
Having a professional house cleaning in Austin, Texas will help remove the dust, dirt, and other allergens in your home. If you’re interested in eliminating dust from your home (even if it’s only temporary!), contact your Austin-area home cleaning company, It’s Cleaning Time, today!