Quick Tidy-Up Tips For Your Bathroom

No matter if you have company staying with you, roommates, children, or just want to make sure you keep it tidy for yourself, keeping your bathroom clean is important. Almost every guest you have is going to see it. Keeping up on it takes ten minutes or less and can save you from sweating next […]

Finding A Routine For Keeping Your Home Clean

If you find yourself struggling to keep your house cleaned up, getting yourself into a regular routine can make all the difference. Spending just minutes a day can help you to clear up some time in your schedule, making it easier to keep your weekends free! Easy Morning Clean-Ups Cleaning your house first thing in […]

What is Hoarding?

Most people collect items. This is natural and leads to many hobbies but hoarding is a different story. Hoarding is the unnecessary saving of either specific items or any type of item. When hoarding takes place, it can severely take over not only ones life but their dwelling as well. Below are tips to spotting […]

Organize Your Attic for Optimum Storage Space | Austin Home Cleaning

Not all Austin homeowners have an attic, but those who do are really lucky! However, if your attic resembles a disaster zone, you might not be able to see just how luck you are. Attics can easily become dumping grounds for things that are old, broken, weirdly shaped, or rarely used, and when that happens […]

Clean Up After Your Pets: Fur Frenzy | ATX Maid Service

Our furry friends are just that – they’re furry! And all that fur can wreak havoc on clean Austin homes – as much as we love our pets like family, they’re often the main culprits when it comes to extra dust, fibers sticking to our clothes and furniture, and allergens trapped in our homes. It’s […]

Clean Up Your Blinds and Window Shades | Austin Home Cleaning

  It’s beautiful outside, so let the sun shine in! Austin homeowners are eager and excited for this beautiful season, so make sure the blinds and window shades in your home are looking tip-top to accessorize that wonderful sunlight. There are many different kinds of blinds and shades out there, so read on to find […]

Give Your Curtains and Drapes a Good Cleaning! | Austin Maid Service

It’s spring cleaning time, and that means tackling those tricky window treatments for people who want clean homes in Austin. Unfortunately, there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution or set of instructions – curtains and drapes can be made of a zillion different materials, and some are accompanied by difficult accessories such as valances and swags. Fortunately, […]

Help Your Kids Get in the Habit of Cleaning Up | Austin House Cleaning

Obviously, kids don’t need to learn how to make messes – they’re naturally great at it, usually right from birth! They do, however, have to be taught how to clean up after themselves, and why it’s important. Whether you’ve got a very young child who’s finally able to help with household chores or you’re frustrated […]