No matter if you have company staying with you, roommates, children, or just want to make sure you keep it tidy for yourself, keeping your bathroom clean is important. Almost every guest you have is going to see it. Keeping up on it takes ten minutes or less and can save you from sweating next time you hear the words “can I use your bathroom?”

Mini Cleaning Kit

For quick clean-ups, keep a mini cleaning kit in under your bathroom sink, or cleverly stash it in a decorative basket. Stock it with things such as a small spray bottle containing half vinegar, half water, a stack of paper towels or a microfiber rag or two, and some air freshener. Keep some extra, small-sized trash bags for the trash can stashed in there, too, so you can quickly empty the can when needed.

Quick Counter Clean-Ups

After you use the bathroom, brush your teeth, or take a shower, take a moment to do a quick wipe down of your counters. Using your vinegar spray and paper towels, spritz a small amount on the towels and wipe up your counter. Make sure to rinse and wipe down your sink to get any toothpaste left behind. Wipe away any excess water and condensation after a shower to avoid mildew and mold from growing. Don’t worry about the vinegar odor – it will dissipate in just a few minutes once it dries.

Try These Tricks

When you’re doing a quick clean-up, there are a couple of tricks you can use to make your bathroom look fresh. Shake your mats out to give them a fluffed up, freshly vacuumed look. Since most guests aren’t touching the bath towels on the racks, just make sure to straighten them. Hanging up some clean hand towels should suffice since they are the only ones your guests will use – unless they are there for an extended stay.

Austin Cleaning Company – It’s Cleaning Time!

Taking just a few minutes to clean up before you leave the bathroom is well worth it. It can save you from embarrassment when you have last-second guests. It will also help you to keep a clean, tidy bathroom on a regular basis. If you are needing some extra help getting your bathroom a fresh deep clean, call the professionals! In Austin, maid service you can count on isn’t hard to find. It’s Cleaning Time! is here to do the hard work, so you don’t have to.