There are many substances out there in the world that we love to consume, use, or be around, but when they come in contact with clothes, furniture, or carpet, they can create nasty and difficult stains that need to be treated as soon as possible if they have any hope of being removed. Here’s a handy guide to taking care of a few common, stubborn stains to help with your Austin home cleaning.
Red or White Wine
For red wine stains on regular fabric, blot the spot immediately with cool water and a sponge, or soak for about half an hour in a sink or tub of cool water. Apply a prewash stain remover and then wash. If it’s safe for the fabric, use chlorine bleach.
On upholstery, blot as much of the liquid as possible. Either use a dry-cleaning solvent or create a solution of one tablespoon of mild liquid dish soap and two cups of cool water. Dab the whichever liquid you’re using onto the stain with a clean, colorfast cloth and blot dry with another cloth or towel; repeat the dabbing and blotting as necessary. Finally, sponge area with cold water and blot dry again.
For red wine on carpet, soak up as much of the spill as possible. Using either plain water or a mixture of one tablespoon of mild liquid dish soap, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of warm water, apply a little to the stain and the blot with a dry cloth, repeating as many times as necessary. If you use the soap-and-vinegar solution, finish by sponging with cold water and blotting dry.
As a last resort, combine one part liquid dish soap and two parts of hydrogen peroxide. Test on an inconspicuous area of fabric, upholstery, or carpet first, then sponge onto the stain and blot off.
For beer stains on regular fabric, follow the instructions for wine above.
For upholstery, soak up as much of the spill as possible with paper towels or a clean cloth. Either combine one tablespoon of white vinegar and two-thirds of a cup of rubbing alcohol, or combine one tablespoon of mild dish soap and two cups of cool water. Use a clean, colorfast cloth dab the stain with your solution, then blot dry. Repeat as many times as needed. Then sponge with cold, clear water and blot dry.
If beer stains your carpet, follow the carpet-cleaning steps for wine as described above.
We know homeowners in Austin love to have a good time, and beer and wine spills are bound to happen. But when you’re up to snuff with your home cleaning skills, there’s no reason to panic. And another reason you can relax: It’s Cleaning Time provides maid services all over the Austin area to keep homes clean and customers happy!